

May 25, 2024

Live Website

Project: Kaatoo.Tech


I developed a dynamic and responsive website for a software/IT company named Kaatoo.Tech. The project showcases my skills in front-end development and my ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

Technologies Used:

- React: For building the user interface.

- Bootstrap: For responsive design and styling.

- Material UI: For additional UI components and design consistency.

- Vercel: For seamless deployment and hosting.


1. Home Page:

- An engaging landing page with a clean layout and interactive elements.

- Highlights the company's core services and recent projects.

2. About Page:

- Information about the company's mission, vision, and values.

- Team member profiles with their roles and brief bios.

3. Contact Page:

- A contact form for inquiries and feedback.

- Company contact information including address, phone number, and email.

- Integration with Google Maps to display the company location.

4. Services Page:

- Detailed descriptions of the various services offered by Kaatoo.Tech.

- Visual aids such as icons and images to enhance the presentation of services.

5. Privacy Policy Page:

- Comprehensive details on the company's privacy practices.

- Information on data collection, usage, and protection measures.


The website is deployed on Vercel, ensuring high performance and scalability. The choice of Vercel also facilitates continuous deployment, allowing for quick updates and iterations.

Sidak Vats

© 2024 Sidak Vats